Cloud Native Storage Survey

Questions marked with a * are required
You are invited to participate in our survey for Cloud-Native Storage. It will take approximately 3-5 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. While your participation is voluntary, your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey you may contact us by email at [email protected].

Thank you for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by selecting an answer to the question below.
Can you please provide Contact Information?
Do you have containerized applications that require/have persistent storage?
Which of the following storage abstractions are you using for your containerized persistent storage environment?
Between the two, which is of higher priority for you?
Does your File Shares backed persistent storage require shared access eg: ReadWriteMany with k8s containers?
What is your FS use-case
What is your Object Store use case?
What are the factors driving your above choice?
Why do you need to persist data for both File Shares and Object Storage?
Which Vendors or solutions are you considering/are using for your file shares backed persistent storage solution?
Which Vendors or solutions are you considering/are using for your file shares backed persistent storage solution?
Which Vendors or solutions are you considering/are using for your Object Storage backed persistent storage solution?
Which Vendors or solutions are you considering/are using for your Object Storage backed persistent storage solution?
Are there any suggestions/comments/concerns that you have for using file storage with your containerized applications?
Are there any suggestions/comments/concerns that you have for using Object Stores with your containerized applications?
Are there any suggestions/comments/concerns that you have for using file or object-based storage with your containerized applications?
Can we contact you with follow-up questions?
Can we contact you with follow-up questions?
Can we contact you with follow-up questions?